Magnifying Glass 1.9
Free   3.8 MB

Magnifying Glass 1.9

Free It's simple freeware zooming utility that magnifies portions of the screen
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Software Informer Editor Rating 5 Software Informer Virus Free award
Free   3.8 MB

Magnifying Glass is an accessibility tool for Windows computers. The application can magnify the screen when you move your cursor around it. When the application is activated, there will be a small square around the mouse pointer which will provide the magnification. Wherever you move the mouse, the square will go with it, thus magnifying everything underneath.

It works great for the desktop and Windows applications. I have seen though that when moving the mouse over third-party applications, the magnification seems to act slower than usual and sometimes it misses the content completely. But after a few seconds it catches on and shows everything. It is far from an annoyance, nevertheless.

The application's options allows you to chance several settings. You can make the magnification square bigger or smaller, and if you are under Windows XP or newer, you can even set a transparency level. You can also change the zoom factor, to see things bigger. Bear in mind that the lower your screen resolution, the worse the quality of magnification will be. Magnifying Glass can be activated by right-clicking the icon in the task bar or by using a hotkey, which you can change to whatever you like. You can also change the position of the magnification square, and even set it in a fixed position on your screen.

JF Senior editor
José Fernández
Editor rating:

Review summary


  • Lots of options
  • The zoom factor can be changed
  • Hotkey support


  • Magnification square can sometimes act up

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